KDE LinPoch
LinPoch needs the following:
LinPoch for KDE comes in 2 parts: The System tray application and the konqueror plugin.
The systemtray application is called linpoch-[version].tar.gz and linpoch-[version]-noarch.rpm.
The konqueror plugin is called epoc-[version].tar.gz
Installing KDE LinPoch 0.1.0 on SuSE 8.1 Linux, Intel version
Follow these steps:
-1- Install Java2 shipped with SuSE 8.1 (via Yast)
-2- Upgrade to KDE3.1
-3- install (if you haven't allready) kdebindings3-java-3.1-33.i586.rpm (shipped with the KDE 3.1 release)
-4- install rxtx-2.1-6.i386.rpm
-5- install linpoch-0.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
-6- install epoc-0.1.0-1.i386.rpm
Installing KDE LinPoch from source
First install de dependend packages
-1- Install a Java vm >= 1.3
-2- Install KDE 3.1 with development packages and the kde Java bindings
-3- Install rxtx-2.1-6 (this gnu.io package version of rxtx)
On SuSE 8.1 I had to use JDK 1.3.1 and disable hotspot, otherwise KDE Java applications wil crash. Something issue with glibc is the most likely reason.
The JDK's 1.4 and up aren't capable of disabling hotspot.
Installing the system tray app:
To compile LinPoch from source you'll need ant. This ant scipt also automates building a rpm, but you'll have to adjust the parameters of the ant script (KDEHOME, RPMBUILDDIR, etc).
The ant script can't do an install, maybe in a later release. To build a rpm run:
$ ant rpm
I've also released a binaray version of LinPoch called linpoch-0.1.0-1.bin.tar.gz, which contains all the files you need. You can unpack it in KDEDIR, but you'll have to adjust the ery simple bash script $KDEDIR/bin/linpoch to match your system. The bin.tar.gz package doesn't contain any architecture (Intel, SuSE) specific binaries, there cross-platform (Java).
Installing the konqueror plugin:
Make sure you've set the KDEDIR environment variable
Then do the usual:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
The first thing todo is to start LinPoch (K -> Applications -> LinPoch). A system tray icon will appear (see screenshots).
By default LinPoch will use the first serial port available, You can change it by right clicking on the systemtray icon and select your serialport.
Connect your Nokia cable if isn't connected. Start konqueror and type
in the location field.
The analyzer uses 2 serial ports, one connected to the Epoc device and one connected with a PC running the connectivity software of the manufacturer.
I use 2 computers to do this, since my computer doesn't have 3 serial ports:
Nokia9210<-Nokia serial cable->PC running analyzer<-null-modem-cable->PC running Nokia software
- the button with the to connectors(see screenshots) connects and disconnects the Nokia and de connected PC for testing puposes
- the "play/stop" button starts and stops analyzing packets.
- the connect button can be used during analyzing (what happends when I connect or disconnect now)
- de magnifier button causes the data to be shown or not, putting the view off causue the communication to go faster. It can be switched on later. When it is switched of, the magnifier icon is crossed out.